Get A Free Customized Financial Plan Ready To Work For You
MasterPlan™ Personal Financial Success
MasterPlan™ Self Employment Plan
So... you've decided that you want independent, unbiased financial advice with coaching and a Financial Plan. How does this look?
Is packaged with all the financial services built into a customized Plan to satisfy the success goals of the client.
It is also an educational Plan based on financial needs assessment, and educating the client to make informed decisions.
The Plan seeks to understand if the client has the viable resources for their desired goals….
Including enough income – and provide solutions to attain more disposable income to meet the financial goals for now and the future.
The Plan may also include some mindset coaching session(s) if that’s needed to get the client to build a more solid foundation.
MasterPlan™ is a turn-key financial success system, built on a first-class holistic process to secure financial success, for the individual and their family. It is an end-to-end solution covering all aspects of financial issues, redefining financial goals, to packaging a financial success plan and following-up with the client to ensure goals are realized and the client is happy. As a result, the overall MasterPlan™ – if put into practice – has the ability to arm the client with the information, resources, mindset and knowledge needed to make long-lasting financial success.
Packaging the Plan to fit into the success goals of the client, and incorporating strategies to cut expenses and increase income is what makes the MasterPlan™ a Financial Plan + Success Plan in one, as it has all the components for the client to succeed.
“The MasterPlan™ is my only service, because what is needed for success is the right plan, with the right mindset and the right financial growth products to build a system to succeed. With the help of my team and Financial Professional partners, I pick the right, affordable and high quality financial products(s) to incorporate with my clients’ goals to bring about the financial success they want. I have a one-on-one conversation with them, and I listen to what they desire for their family, and help them choose what is best or most suitable to their needs. I also educate my clients on personal financial resources available to them in the marketplace. With my Plan, they are positioned to make well-informed decisions that are hand-picked with the right resources, costs, and strategies to fulfill their expected results. Their families’ financial future is thus built on the best-customized plan unique to their situation to generate strong, successful, and lasting financial impact.” – Edith