Self-Employment Plans

When you are an employee of your own company, there is a sense of stability and the benefit of being balanced by the satisfaction from the greater autonomy to utilize your skills for unlimited earning power. However, with the statistics of small business failure, whether you are new to self-employment or have an existing operation, it is always wise to have a Coach who could help shape your financial future with the income you earn from self-employment. 

I believe all facets of self-employment need consistent planning, clear and long-term vision with defined growth strategies to create financial stability and sustain market dominance. For this reason, my strategies are focused on income generation planning for small enterprises who need to scale. Working with Business Growth Managers and Partners, I access where money is leaking in your self-employment operation, and project your potential to grow under better techniques. I figure out the right mix of resources, practices and techniques that is needed in incremental years, and streamline and develop a Self-Employment Success Plan for short-term and long-term goals.

Get The Advantage Of Sustainable Self-Employment Growth That 
Continues On The Path Of Momentum And Scalability

TEAM: Leveraging a team of industry and market experience of over one hundred industries and approximately forty years combined experience, we place emphasis on getting all your work done with utmost creativity while tapping into your core value and purpose.


APPROACH: To derive the best results our process is two-fold, first we understand your business, then create a digital marketing plan tailored from the uniqueness and competitive value of your business.

FOCUS: Our focus is direct sharpening of your company’s marketability and scalability to cut costs and optimize brand awareness while maximizing profits with the goal to ultimately increase the business revenue and ROI on marketing dollars.

STANDARD: Instead of using one-size-fits-all type of marketing, we redefine and customize a standard for your marketing strategies to articulate the most significant value of your product or service that gratifies your target market and sets the stage to strengthen your brand.

INNOVATION: We have innovated new strategies and techniques using growth marketing and intuitive data that is driven by Artificial Intelligence, which creates a profit building machine for your company.

SEAMLESS: We apply “usually” expensive and complex Fortune 100 growth management techniques, to create “unusually” in-expensive and simple tailored strategic plans that seamlessly unite and simplify enterprise-wide growth drivers.

RESULTS: Our end-to-end solution is informed by proprietary research and built on a process to work fast and move your business fast to help you establish real results.

Your MasterPlan™ may include a mix of one or more of these from my team and partner companies:

  • New Self-Employment Launch
  • Growth Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-Per-Click
  • Radio, Streaming & Podcast advertising
  • Business & Commercial Loans
  • Business Credit Repair
  • Business Reputation Repair (legal)
  • Business Entity Set-Up (legal)
  • Artificial Intelligence Tracking
  • Backlink & Link Building
  • Company Listing, Citation & Free Website Audit
  • Website Development
  • Sales Funnels & Landing Page Development
  • Video Marketing (various styles)
  • Animated Video Marketing (various styles)
  • Growth Metrics Analysis
  • Market & Industry Research
  • Brand Development
  • Copy Writing & Content Management
  • Press Release Distribution
  • Accounting & Bookkeeping
  • Tax Planning & Preparation
  • Cost-cutting Strategies
  • And other financial development strategies




The Plan configures a projection of higher revenue to meet your end goals: cutting costs, and integrating high-grade/low-cost marketing and advertising measures to sustain and scale income while increasing income and ROI. 

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