Personal & Family Plans

I provide a vast array of resources for personal financial growth from reputable financial companies. I start out by evaluating where you are today, where you want to be in the future, and your potential risks for future financial independence – then I formulate suggestions via a Personal or Family Financial  Plan. The plan is customized to your particular needs and future plans, and designed to expose some of the reasons you are where you are today, and how to resolve them for a better financial future. The plan is an ideal financial resource to give you a road map to forge your financial dreams. I also help you along the way to develop and execute your plan.

These are some of the products I weigh against risks to include in your MasterPlan™  at preferred rates.  I work with my team or partner companies to include one or more of  these financial growth products in your Plan:

  • Income Protection
  • Credit Repair & Building Credit Score
  • Earn More Income*
  • Launch A Self-Employment Income Stream
  • Budget Planning
  • Debt Management 
  • Life Insurance Programs
  • Home Insurance
  • Auto Insurance
  • Household & Utility Bills Savings
  • Tax Preparation, Filing and Representation
  • Mortgage Loans
  • Personal Saving Plans
  • Investment Plans
  • Retirement Plans & 401-K Roll Over
  • College Funding Accounts
  • Trust Accounts
  • Last Will & Testament
  • Identity Protection
  • Home Protection System
  • Low Cost Legal Plans
  • And other financial and wealth building products and services 

From time to time, my clients ask me how they can increase their income. These individuals are introduced to ways to build a lucrative part-time income by working with me.

P.S.  Obtaining a MasterPlan™ is not an obligation to use my services. The Plan is free; and you could order it and keep it without adding any of my services.

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